Achieve network-level optimization with the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning

Delivering Predictive and prescriptive insights to transform your operations and delight your customers

Achieve network-level optimization with the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning

Delivering Predictive and prescriptive insights to transform your operations and delight your customers


common problems in grid

Long Outage Restoration Time

Inability to gauge the impact of storm often leads to longer time for crews to prepare and plan for the restoration work.

Network Connectivity Loss

Errors in data cause a significant operations and maintenance waste and prevent electric utilities from realizing the full benefits of advanced distribution management solutions.

Power Outage Due To Operation Hiccups

With the operation of grid continuing to grow in complexity, so as the capacity of operation is always pressuring the limit to go beyond.

grid analytics applications

grid analytics application

Reduced crew cost

Predictive storm planning with visualization of weather combined with outage predictions overlaid onto your service territory map.

Improved Safety

Predictive storm planning with visualization of weather combined with outage predictions overlaid onto your service territory map.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Predictive storm planning with visualization of weather combined with outage predictions overlaid onto your service territory map.


Maximise the value of your network

Reduced storm safety risks

Deploy crews for restoration work with a comprehensive understanding of real impact of the storm.

Solid storm readiness

Improved field personnel positioning decisions before and during weather events.

Better customer satisfaction and public relation

Provide undisrupted connectivity for the region and increase network resilience.

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Smallworld™ Electric Office

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General electric digital

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Enexis on Partnering with GE Power | GE Digital

A Smallworld customer for more than 25 years, Enexis combines multiple data sources with Smallworld’s geospatial analytics to support asset management and other systems.

Dutch DSO Stedin on GE's Digital Energy Solutions | GE Digital

GE Power customer Stedin, a leading DSO in the Netherlands, discusses GE’s ADMS and Smallworld GIS solutions and partnering with GE to meet the challenges of the Energy Transition.

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Explore how GIS can help your organization solve industrial challenges. We expand more potential on your industrial data that you have within your reach.